What We Have in Common
Have you ever been so frustrated with the rising costs of television that you were ready to just pull the plug on the whole thing? You don’t want to give up your favourite shows, and you do need some entertainment at home.
Maybe you feel you’re missing out on shows and movies you hear about, but that you don’t get. The cost for your current cable or satellite package is already sky high. You may have added a paid service like Netflix to fill in the gaps. But they fall short and you have even more expense.
We know this feeling. And it’s exactly why we started.
About Us
Like so many, we fell into the same trap of upgrading TV services to get more. Wanting something decent to watch, we kept adding to our cable package. Better cable networks with better shows. Yet all too often there was still nothing on to watch. So we added the “Movie Package” complete with HBO. But a couple of days into the month there was still nothing to watch.
In order to fill in the huge gaps we would occasionally rent a movie. But then all of the movie rental outlets went away. So we tried downloading movies and then some television shows. Much better. But even that was a hassle at times. And risky if you get notices about copy right infringement.

What’s the Solution?
Then we discovered a whole new world of streaming television. It wasn’t easy at first. So much to learn. But patience and a huge desire to reduce our expenses paved the way.
When I told my wife how much money I planned to spend on hardware. Well, it wasn’t pretty.
“We can’t afford it right now” she said.
“We can’t afford to save money?” I replied.
What We Did
With a large investment in time, we pieced together a working home system. We included a HD antenna for the live TV content we couldn’t stream. The antenna fed a TV tuner which then connected to our router. Each television got a streaming box and was now connected to our home network. From each TV we could now watch live television and stream premium content. All that was required was high speed internet.
We cancelled ALL of our cable television services the following week. All we kept was the internet service. Shortly after that, we cancelled Netflix as well. We went from a total bill (including cable TV, internet, hardware rental, Netflix and PPVs) of $270.00/month to $96.00/month for just high speed internet.
That’s a $174/month savings … or $2,088.00 every year!

Sharing the Savings
Since then, we have set up and sold systems. Starting off slow, we are continuing to reach and help more people. Many people in the same sort of situation. Frustrated and fed up. And so far, everyone is happy.
(Click Here to See our Testimonials)
We take a quality device (the Raspberry Pi 4B) and turn it into a great home entertainment system. We don’t brand the boxes and we don’t mass distribute the systems. As a result, we don’t just have sales … we have valued customers.
Streaming television is still fairly new to the public. And it does have it’s limitations. But when used properly, it can be the practical answer to the question “What’s on TV tonight?”
See the Rest of our Website
If you are interested in streaming television and would like to learn more, please CLICK HERE to see the rest of our website.
You will find a wealth of information that will help you make the switch to streaming. Unlimited television shows and movies plus sports and music.
See how you can have a ton more content and save thousands of dollars on your cable bill!