Still on the fence about streaming TV?
If you’re trying to decide whether or not to make the switch to streaming, this could help you make up your mind.

Way more TV selection
Streaming TV Boxes get all of their content (TV shows and movies) from the internet. Just about anything you can imagine is out there somewhere.
Popular and current shows as well as classic TV shows from years gone by can be found and enjoyed.
All of this content is available immediately after broadcast for free and without commercial interruption.
Way more Movies selection
After a movie has been in release for about 3 months (sometimes earlier), you can find HD copies of it.
No more need for rentals and returns or paying high prices for limited access.
Just search for your favourite title, pick a stream source and enjoy!

No need to PVR
All features are available for streaming all of the time.
This means that you never have to bother saving your favourite show or movie.
And even better, no commercials to skip through!
Save a truck full of cash
Cable TV rates are rising all of the time.
With an endless selection of features on-demand, think of the money you’ll save.
All you really need is high speed internet and you can watch you like.

UPR Home Systems Offers Just Such a Box!
Our Streaming TV Boxes all come fully set-up and are Plug n Play ready to go.
What’s more, they all have an on-board updater function that allows the user to easily bring their box to the latest set-up!
No more worrying about a box that will go obsolete and stop working.
See the Rest of our Website
If you are interested in streaming television and would like to learn more, please CLICK HERE to see the rest of our website.
You will find a wealth of information that will help you make the switch to streaming. Unlimited television shows and movies plus sports and music.
See how you can save thousands of dollars on your cable bill!
Joyce – Your concerns are valid ones indeed. And it’s true that if you completely drop portions of a bundled plan, the ISP can raise your rate for internet (rationalizing this by saying that you are no longer bundled and thereby no longer qualified for a discount). We should mention; however, that there is no one “perfect solution”. Streaming TV is a great way to reduce the excessive high price for premium content, but does honestly fall short when it comes to live content. Live content would still be required to get things such as local news and daytime programming as well as some sports and local interest features. The best solution is often one of combining services. If you were to maintain a minimum TV package (which gets you basic network and local programming) while maintaining other existing services, you are typically not penalized. Wireless packages (your cell phones) typically don’t play a part in the home service bundling. Unsure about what you mean by “slow streaming” but as long as you have an internet service of at least 40 Mbps download you should be able to stream without interruption. This of course will also be factored by other concurrent uses of your home network. If you would like to contact us by phone, we can discuss your options.
I’ve considered it over and over again to switch however I think Rogers could turn around and raise my cost for internet and cellphones because we won’t be bundled as before. Then there’s the issue of slow streaming that drives me crazy.