Troubleshooting your UPR Streaming TV Box
If you are having difficulties, please consult the common issue fixes below.
Search below for the title that best describes the issue you may be having and click on the link.
This should take you to the possible resolution. If you continue to have difficulty after searching our solutions, please contact us directly.
No source is showing on the TV screen.
None of the addons are working.
Stream links aren’t working.
Stream links are working but keep freezing.
Stream links are working but all streams are in a foreign language.
No Debrid links are generated on search.
No sound during playback.
Date and time displayed on screen is incorrect.
Unresponsive TV screen.
Keyboard doesn’t work.
The UPR Updater does not work.
No stream sources available.
Box is sluggish or slow to load streams.
Media screen addons are not working but live TV and YouTube are working.
TV remote will not control device.
Lightning bolt icon appears in the top right corner of the screen.
Thermometer icon appears in the top right corner of the screen.
Top left corner of the screen is showing “Kodi log information” – How do I get rid of that?
No source is showing on the TV screen.
Once everything is plugged in, the TV shows no source of input from the device. If there is nothing showing on the TV screen at all, even though everything is plugged in, check the following:
- Ensure that your TV is set to the correct HDMI input (using your TV’s remote)
- Confirm that the HDMI cord is properly seated in the port on both the TV and the Streaming TV Box. If necessary, disconnect and re-connect the HDMI cord at both ends.
- Ensure that you have plugged in the cords in the correct order. ALWAYS plug the power cord in last.
If you are unsure, unplug the power cord and then plug it back in.
None of the addons are working.
If nothing is working and although accessible, none of the addons are functioning, then you’re probably not connected to the internet. This is by far, the most common cause of most issues. Reboot your device and once fully rebooted, check to see if the correct date and time are displayed on the navigation bar.
If not, you are definitely not connected to the internet. Recheck your wireless or wired connections. (If applicable, this includes powerline adapters) Check and/or reboot your router.
Stream links aren’t working.
If your search for a feature (TV show or movie) is generating links, but none of the links are working, consider the following solutions:
- Are you using a premium/Debrid service?
Many of the free access/unpaid stream links do not work well or at all in many cases. Consider getting a premium link (Debrid) account. The cost per month is approximately $3 US ($4 CDN) a month – Contact us for more details - If you are using a premium/Debrid service, ensure that your account is up to date. If the account is paid up to date, re-authorize your device to use your account again. See process on our blog pages here:
Re-authorizing your AllDebrid service
Re-authorize your Real-Debrid service - Ensure your internet service is working correctly
Stream links are working but keep freezing.
If your search for a feature (TV show or movie) is generating working links but they keep freezing/stopping, check the following causes:
- Check your speed! Navigate to the ADDONS screen and hit Enter. Select the “Arnu box Speed tester” and hit Enter. “Run speedtest” – hit Enter
If you are getting particularly slow download speeds (less than 20 Mbps), this is likely a main contributing factor. - Have you recently rebooted your device? Make sure that you periodically (at least 3 or 4 times a week) reboot the device to ensure that all updates from addons have cleared. Navigate to the POWER screen and select “Reboot” from the submenu and hit Enter.
- Try a different stream link. Also be mindful of the file size! Some files (especially movie files) can be unrealistically large. Avoid trying to stream files that are 25+ GB in size. Server capabilities and the path to your location may preclude the ability to provide excessively large files to you without interruption.
- Try a different addon (i.e. Fen, The Crew, Tempest, etc.)
- Are you using a premium/Debrid service?
- Many of the free access/unpaid stream links do not work well or at all in many cases. Consider getting a premium link (Debrid) account. The cost per month is approximately $3 US ($4 CDN) a month – Contact us for more details
- If you are using a premium/Debrid service, ensure that your account is up to date. If the account is paid up to date, re-authorize your device to use your account again. See process on our blog pages here:
Re-authorizing your AllDebrid service
Re-authorizing your Real-Debrid service - Try doing a full reset on your router: Unplug the power cord from your router and leave it unplugged for at least 10 minutes. Then reconnect the power to your router and allow it to fully reset/restore.
Stream links are working but all streams are in a foreign language.
If your search for a feature (usually a movie) is generating working links but the streams are all in a foreign language:
- Ensure the feature you are searching has been released in English. Some features of foreign origin will only have subtitled English translation.
- Try different addons using the same search
- Pause the feature (using the Spacebar) and hit M on your keyboard. This will bring up a control panel – Select the sound icon which looks like a speaker.
On the pop-up window that is presented, scroll down to “Audio Stream”. If this option is not “grayed out”, you can select it and choose a different soundtrack (ideally one in the language you are seeking). Once you have done this, backspace, hit M again and then resume your feature.
No Debrid links are generated on search.
If you have an active premium (Debrid) account but your searches are not generating premium links, try the following:
- Confirm that your Debrid account is paid up and active
- Re-authorize your device by logging in to your Debrid account (see above for links to directions)
- Ensure your internet service is working correctly
No sound during playback.
If you have an active stream playing and there is no sound, try the following:
- Hit F8 on your keyboard (in some cases F10) This is the designated Mute button and should restore the sound
- Try the + and – keys on your keyboard. These are the plus and minus sound amplification controls and could restore your sound
- Confirm that the sound on your TV is turned up
- Check the TV Mute button
- If you have the latest model (4K box), ensure that the HDMI cord is plugged into the left HDMI port on your streaming box
(This is the HDMI port closest to the power port) - If all else fails, try a different stream source
Date and time displayed on screen is incorrect.
As mentioned above, this is a key indicator that your Streaming TV Box is not properly connected to the internet. All information and data, including the current date and time, comes from the internet.
Unresponsive TV screen.
If the TV screen is unresponsive and fails to accept any inputs from your controller, try the following:
- Ensure that the controller (i.e. keyboard, mouse, etc.) is turned on and has fresh batteries
- Try a different controller
- If all else fails, your device may have frozen. Simply unplug the power cord and then plug it back in.
(Note: Please try this last as hard rebooting can harm your device if done excessively. If this is the case, please contact us for assistance.)
Keyboard Doesn’t Work.
If your keyboard controller is not working, try the following:
- Ensure that the keyboard is turned on (if applicable) and has fresh batteries
- Make sure that you have inserted the USB receiver from the keyboard into the Streaming TV Box (any one of the available 4 USB slots)
- If all else fails, your device may have frozen. Simply unplug the power cord and then plug it back in.
(Note: Please try this last as hard rebooting can harm your device if done excessively. If this is the case, please contact us for assistance.)
The UPR Updater does not work.
If the UPR Updater fails to function, and instead only gives you an error message, reboot the device and try again. If the Updater continues to not function, check if the correct date and time are displayed or try other addons to ensure that you are properly connected to the internet.
As mentioned above, when the addons do not function, it is highly likely that your Streaming TV Box is not connected properly to the internet. If the situation persists, please contact us directly.
No stream sources available.
If a search for a feature (TV show or movie) yields a “No stream sources available” message, try the following:
- Confirm that the feature has previously aired. TV shows, for instance, may show as available that day but have not aired as of that time (EST). You should also note that stream sources come available approximately 1 hour (plus) after initial airing
- Make sure your device is still authorized to use your Debrid account. If necessary, re-authorize your device. (See above)
- Try a different addon. Sometimes one particular addon (i.e. Tempest, Exodus, etc.) won’t find sources for the feature you are searching, whereas a different addon may find some results.
- Please note that many daytime/non-prime time features are not available. Most day time shows such as daily talk shows, soap operas, game shows, etc. are not readily available for streaming. Many providers will not save daily/daytime shows because there is a very low on-going demand for this type of recurring content.
- Check internet connections / reboot your router
Box is sluggish or slow to load.
If you find that the menus are loading slower than usual or that the device seems particularly “sluggish”, it could be due to some background operations/updates in progress. Leave the box for a couple of minutes and then navigate to the POWER screen and select “Reboot” from the submenu.
In most cases this will alleviate the delays. It should also be noted that although the device is meant to be left on at all times, it is necessary to periodically reboot the device to keep it refreshed. We recommend doing this at least 3 or 4 times a week.
If this does not remedy the situation, run a speed test at the box by doing the following:
- Navigate to the ADDONS screen and hit enter
- Select “ARNU BOX Speed Tester” from the program icons and hit enter
- When you see “Run speedtest” hit enter
- The device will now run a standard speed test which will examine and measure your Ping / Download speed / Upload speed
If you find that your ping is excessively high (60+ ms) or your download speed is very low (20- Mbps) then the issue is likely your internet service. Contact us for more details regarding this issue.
If you have tried this and there is no difference, try different video addons. It could be that one particular addon is malfunctioning while others are working fine.
Media screen addons are not working but live TV and YouTube are working.
Live TV, IPTV and YouTube addons are working/streaming but all addons from the MEDIA screen are unresponsive.
This has occurred in a few instances and has continued to baffle those experiencing this situation. In very simple terms, the device is connected to the internet, but only partially. While the correct date and time are displayed and speed tests come back fine, there is a blockage to critical gateways preventing the viewer from accessing certain fileservers.
This situation has been best remedied by performing a full reboot of the modem/router for your network. This process requires the user to disconnect the power from both the modem and router for at least 5 minutes and then resetting the power. In many cases, the modem and router are an all-in-one device. Some modem/router devices also have a battery back-up component which will also need to be removed during this process to ensure a full reset. We also recommend that you fully power the streaming box down prior to this process and disconnect all cords. Once the modem/router reset is finished, reconnect your streaming box and power it back up.
For more advanced users who are using their own router, rather than the one provided by your ISP, ensure that your router has the most recent firmware updates.
TV remote will not control device.
Most newer televisions, but not all, can control your Streaming TV Box using the native remote control. If this is not the case for your television, ensure that it has a CEC function. If your television has CEC control option, ensure that the function is enabled through your TV’s menu screen. Please note that most native TV remotes will only have limited functionality.
In many cases, additional buttons/functions on your TV remote can be programmed through “Keymap Editor” program found in the ADDONS screen. Contact us for more information.
Lightning bolt icon appears in the top right corner of the screen.
If you see a yellow lightning bolt icon appear in the top right corner of the TV screen, this means that there is an issue with the power.
This can be caused by an excessive draw on a weak power supply due to extraordinary activity or processing. This can also be caused by a faulty extension cord or power bar which is restricting the electrical flow.
If you have checked that your electrical connections are secure and the problem persists, please contact us immediately. When properly seated, the provided power supply should be adequate to operate your device without producing this warning icon.
Thermometer icon appears in the top right corner of the screen.
If you see a thermometer icon appear in the top right corner of the TV screen, this means that there is an issue with the temperature of the processor.
This can be caused by restricting the ventilation to the unit. This can also be caused by another device nearby, like a cable box or player unit, venting hot air towards the device.
Ensure that there is adequate ventilation around the device and that no other devices are venting warm/hot air towards the Streaming TV Box.
If you have taken the above steps and the situation persists, please contact us immediately.
Top left corner of the screen is showing “Kodi log information” – How do I get rid of that?
To remove the Kodi logging information displayed in the upper left corner of the screen, simply hit: Control + Shift + D