HBO Alternative

In order to find good quality content, we are usually forced to pay more. A recent CBC news article seen here describes some of the frustration that Canadians deal with in trying to do just that. The general feeling seems to be that it’s not the paying for content that is the problem. It’s having to pay so much, and having to take on extra services that people don’t want. This is the case for HBO original programming.

Many of the discussion points in the CBC article, as well as many of the comments below it, show that consumers are not happy. Behind all of it seems to be a consistent theme. Demand for a reasonable product at a fair price. People will pay if a fair service is provided. But this never seems to be the case. As the article shows, there are online HBO services that we in Canada can not even get. As a consumer group, we are told if you pay more and take cable as well it is easy to get. This is not an attractive offer.

If we simply wait for a fair solution, we will wait forever. It seems clear that an online answer is the best one open. Regardless of how you feel about it. As long as their are monopoly-driven industries, the public will never get a fair shake. But what to do?

Get your content online. Discover another way. This is why streaming is becoming so popular. There is virtually no end of content available online.

Can you get HBO online for free? Occasionally, yes. But sources of any live channels are at best, unreliable. The answer is to stop thinking about which channels you can get and start thinking about which programs you wish to see. When you stream your content, you don’t look for a channel or a station. You search for the show itself.

Explore your options online with streaming.

