Mix it Up with Video Addon Variety

Even with a variety of video add-ons to select from, we tend to gravitate to one or two favourites. These add-ons become familiar to us and we get used to knowing what to expect when it comes to search results. Remember that this type of service is always changing and always evolving.

The difficulty is that no particular add-on will be able to satisfy every search and sometimes, we forget to check other add-ons. To get the best consistent results, always remember to mix it up when searching for particular shows. This holds true for television shows, movies and especially sports. From one week to the next (or even from one day to the next), the choices that are available from one source may not be there again tomorrow. This is perfectly natural, so always remember to adapt and broaden your search.

You may also find on occasion that you will need to mix it up between multiple video add-ons when continuing from one season to the next for television shows. This too is perfectly normal as not every add-on accesses every source; and not every source will necessarily have every copy of every show (or season). Furthermore, with each update a video add-on receives from the developer, it is likely that the sources it regularly accesses has changed or improved.

Basically put, you will be pleasantly surprised with the quality of video sources if you don’t stick too stubbornly to one add-on for everything.

If you having difficulty in finding a particular show, movie or other program, post it here. There’s a great chance we can help. There may even be another person who has already found that source you are looking for!


As always, Enjoy!